We can all agree that 2020 has been a tumultuous year; likewise, I think you'll agree that the magic of "the most wonderful time of the year" cannot get here soon enough. As my family starts unpacking the Christmas decorations and the kids start putting together their wishlists for Santa, I feel like it is the perfect moment to test out this year's Christmas scene.

With the scene hung and some initial décor laid out, my daughter couldn't wait to get on her lovely new Christmas dress and strike a pose! Our puppy didn't want to be left out, so he climbed up onto the bench as soon as the kids were ready. Of course, our son took a little more coaxing (a.k.a. M&M bribery), but he came around for at least a few photos.
I can't wait to get the rest of the scene arranged. It's going to be beautiful, whether you want to dress up or gather around in your holiday PJs!
Session Details
Cost: $125
Session duration: 30 minutes
What you will receive: 8 fully-edited digital images w/ printing rights for personal use
Maximum group size: 5 (note: exceptions are possible, so please feel free to ask)
How to Reserve Your Mini-Session
Since we are living a "new normal", Christmas mini-sessions will be handled differently this year. Instead of a few days with multiple sessions, we will be spreading out the sessions over the month of November to be safe, with studio cleanings between each session to ensure everybody's safety. To schedule your session, please send me a message on Facebook or submit a form from here.
Looking forward to hearing from you!